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In September, our cinéclubs start up again! 

One Thursday a month, Palace puts the spotlight on a film profession. In partnership with film schools, the Académie André Delvaux, the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and mediarte.

On Thursday September 12, we'll be delighted to welcome Rik Chaubet to talk about his work on the film SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ETAT. The masterclass will be preceded by a screening of the film, and the meeting will take place in English.

Rik Chaubet (1993, Mechelen) is an editor, director and experimental musician. In his work he often looks for the possibilities in the relationship between film and music, image and sound. The last 4 years he edited Johan Grimonprez’s 150min. archive film Soundtrack to a Coup d'EtatDuring this time Rik also released his debut album as Schobbee, co-created a web series called Glen Gaat Groen, released a short music documentary called HONESTY INTEGRITY FRIENDSHIP PASSION, made a visual album called HYPNOS, directed and edited 7 videoclips, filmed his debut feature (music)documentary and worked as a teacher in the masters at LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. Next to that he edited various films for others, like De Botanicus by Jan Baeyens, Do you hear the wind in the pine trees? by Axelle Lenaerts and Who gives a shit by Alexandra Yakovleva. He also attributed additional editing to even more beautiful films, most notably WTC: A never-ending Love Story by Lietje Bauwens and Wouter De Raeve and Apple Cider Vinegarby Sofie Benoot. As an editor he is mostly interested in films where there is room to play around and still create the form and write the narrative in the editing room.



Johan Grimonprez

BE/FR, 150', 2024, VO ST EN

Synopsis : Soundtrack to a Coup d'État' sheds light on one of the most insidious political machinations of the 20th century: how the Belgian monarchy, the US government and multinational corporations colluded to use legendary artistic institutions and jazz musicians as cover for covert operations to assassinate Congo's prime minister, Patrice Lumumba.

Special price for students: 4 euros (masterclass + film)! 
This rate is available at the Palace box office only. (not available online)

  • 18:30

In collaboration with